Xiamen C&D Inc. Stock Code: 600153.SH

Stock Code: 600153.SH

C&D Inc. Made its Appearance at the 6th CIIE with Global Partners

Date: 2023-11-07 | Source:C&D Inc.

On November 5, the 6th China International Import Expo (hereinafter referred to as “CIIE”) opened grandly at the Shanghai National Convention and Exhibition Center. As a core member of Xiamen C&D Corp., a Fortune Global 500, C&D Inc. (600153.SH) unleashed the powerful magnetic force of cooperation, actively integrated into the new development pattern, expanded the “circle of friends” of the multi-field industrial chain, and shared “CIIE bonus” with leading enterprises, and worked together for development.

On the morning of November 5, the booth of C&D Residential Technology, a wholly-owned subsidiary of C&D Inc., was officially opened in Hall 5.1 of the Shanghai National Convention and Exhibition Center. On the afternoon of November 5, Huang Wenhui, Vice Secretary of Xiamen Municipal Party Committee and Mayor of Xiamen, Chen Min, Secretary of Party Group and Director of Xiamen Municipal Bureau of Commerce, Lin Zhenya, Deputy Director of Xiamen Municipal Bureau of Commerce and other leaders visited the booth of C&D Residential Technology. Zheng Yongda, Party Secretary and Chairman of C&D Inc., Lin Mao, General Manger of C&D Inc., and other company leaders accompanied them and introduced exhibit information, design concepts and business dealings between C&D Residential Technology and its partners to government leaders.

At this CIIE, C&D Residential Technology takes the concept of “building the inheritance of villas”, integrated RUUD, Saviola, LEICHT and other global well-known household brands on the basis of multi-dimensional application scenarios such as air, water, cabinet, bathroom and whole house customization, and is committed to building the industry ecology with designers, brands, dealers and potential customers for the quality living.

In order to better promote the cultivation of the global competitiveness of modern circulation enterprises, on the morning of November 7, the "High-quality Development Forum of Modern Circulation Enterprises", guided by the Ministry of Commerce and hosted by the China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing, was held in Shanghai National Convention and Exhibition Center. Zheng Yongda, Party Secretary and Chairman of C&D Inc., attended the forum and delivered a keynote speech.

Zheng Yongda said that in the face of the global supply chain restructuring pattern, C&D Inc. has firmly implemented the “internationalization” development strategy of supply chain, accelerated the globalization of the supply chain service system and helped build an international modern circulation system by promoting the global business layout, building international logistics nodes and channels, expanding resource supply channels and other measures.

As the world’s first national-level import expo, the CIIE has become an important window for China to build a new development pattern and an important platform for promoting high-level opening-up. Over the past six years, C&D Inc. has made full use of CIIE expressway to deepen cooperation in the field of supply chain with a number of global leading enterprises in various industrial chains, and introduced various high-quality resources to China to enrich domestic supply to improve consumption quality and help industrial upgrading. Looking forward, C&D Inc. will continue to follow the trend of globalization, accelerate its international layout, expand the scale of international trade cooperation, and work with global partners to jointly promote the high-quality development of supply chain business.